Online Level 1 Course


The online Level 1 Course is a temporary offering, developed in response to global constraints related to COVID-19. This offering provides an option for those who need to revalidate or maintain their CrossFit trainer credentials. It is also available to individuals worldwide, providing a path to earn the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Online (CF-OL1) credential.

The course REQUIRES two components:

  1. A self-paced online course (this course) that can be completed at home. The course begins with lecture-based and interactive instruction on the fundamental principles and movements of CrossFit and ends with a 50-question multiple-choice test.
  2. A live webinar, where participants can engage in a live Q&A with CrossFit's top coaches as well as receive coaching through foundational movements in a small group setting.

Upon completion of the course, participants are able to revalidate a current CF- L1 credential, obtain a first-time CF-OL1 credential (valid for three years, eligibility requirements apply), or attain CEUs toward the maintenance of CF-L3 or CF-L4 credentials.

This course can be completed in multiple sessions. However, it is recommended that you complete a full module before exiting the course, as work on partially completed modules will not be saved.


  • Credential revalidation: Current CF-L1 credential or higher.
  • First time credential: None.
  • Test Only: Completion of the in-person Level 1 Certificate Course within the last 12 months.

Please note:

  • Revalidation and first time credentials participants must complete this online course prior to their webinar.
  • Eligible Test Only participants must complete the self-paced online course to fulfill their credential requirements. Webinar attendance is not permitted or required.

Price: $1000 / $1000 (revalidation)
CEUs: 8

What is CrossFit (50 min.)

Squats (40 min.)

What is Fitness (50 min.)

Presses (30 min.)

Technique (30 min.)

The Kipping Pull-Up and Thruster (30 min.)

Deadlifts (30 min.)

Nutrition (45 min.)

The Glute-Ham Developer (35 min.)

The Muscle-up and Snatch (30 min.)

Programming and Implementation (40 min.)

Final Exam (45 min.)