CrossFit Mentor Course — 3 Sessions


The CrossFit Mentor Program is a no-nonsense, honest, and actionable program designed to challenge and develop CrossFit business owners and coaches in their quest for excellence. Our mentors have been carefully selected based on their success in the CrossFit space. We believe the CrossFit methodology, effective coaching, and a thriving business are built on the constant pursuit of excellence. The CrossFit Mentor Program will challenge your current perspective on what it means to be a leader in both your role and community.


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Credential

CEUs: 9
Language: English

Module 1: Welcome!

Module 2: Pre-Mentor Session #1

Post-Mentor Session #1: Password Entry

Module 3: Pre-Mentor Session #2

Post-Mentor Session #2: Password Entry

Module 4: Pre-Mentor Session #3

Post-Mentor Session #3: Password Entry

Module 5: Congratulations!